Its golden pints time of year again and as I'm away on honeymoon at the end of the year; I'd better get this typed up now (10th December). As with last year I'll use my rate beer notes plus stuff on this blog to jog my memory, but its not scientific in any way, just things that have made an impression on me.
Best UK Cask Beer
Bristol Beer Factory/ Dark Star Southern Cospiracy
Best UK Keg Beer
Wild Beer Co Epic Saison
Best UK Keg Beer
Wild Beer Co Epic Saison
Best UK Bottled
or Canned Beer
Buxton Imperial Black
bristol beer factory mocha
bristol beer factory mocha
Best Overseas Draught Beer
Nøgne Ø Imperial Brown Ale
Best Overseas
Bottled or Canned Beer
Stone Sublimey Self Righteous
New Glarus Raspberry Tart
Best Overall Beer
Buxton Imperial Black
Best Pumpclip or
Brewdog International Arms Race
Best UK Brewery
Best Overseas
Pub/Bar of the
York Tap (again!)
Beer Festival of
the Year
dublin craft beer fest
Supermarket of
the Year
Retailer of the Year
House of Trembling Madness
Online Retailer
of the Year
Best Beer Book
or Magazine
Shakespeare's Local
Best Beer Blog
or Website
Boak & Bailey
Best Beer
Phil Hardy @Filrd
Best Online
Brewery Presence
Magic Rock
Food and Beer
Pairing of the Year
Lindemans Cuvee Rene Gueuze and Ceviche
In 2012 I’d most
like to...
Get back to BelgiumCheese and beer Pairing of the Year
Marble Saison Special and Stinking Bishop