The beer which alerted me to Pressure Drop was
Stokey Brown, delivered via an Ales By Mail Taste of London Case
(think smoky chocolate smothered fruit cake). It sufficiently impressed to cause me to seek out others of theirs to try, reviews below. They're now at almost 30 releases and going strong and were the tenth best new brewery in the world for 2013, no mean feat when there were
more than 2600 new openings last year!

Up first is
Wu Gang Chops the tree, named for the Chinese legend about the man banished to the moon to chop down a tree that regrows every night for eternity. Its a "foraged herb" hefeweisse, but we're not told whats in it.
burnished gold with fluffy white head collapsing to a mere lacing.
Spicey, slightly tart aroma of cloves, black pepper and lemon peel.
Medium body and full of flavour for its fairly diminutive strength (3.8%).
Interesting peppery tingle and a woodsy sage like herbal note, slight
szechwan like tongue tingle in a dry finish. Its like a grisette saison.
Builders Tea is a 4.3% porter with added tea. Dark
burgundy tinged brown with rich bourbon biscuit aroma with some vinous
port notes and tart elderberry. Lacing of dark head, tingle of
carbonation. Full bodied, dry and earthy, burnt toast, a sweet lactose
middle section then tanins kick in. Finishes pretty dry with a bit of
plum jam and plenty of burnt toast.
Slightly stronger at 4.9% is Street Porter, a take on a traditional London Porter. super
dark brown with fluffy muddy mocha head. Burnt roasty barley with a
fruity undercurrent. Extremely dry and toasty coffee barley, long dry
finish. A little one dimensional and disappointing given the delight of the Builders Tea. Will have to give it another go next time.

Bosko is Pressure Drop's signature IPA weighing in at 6.5%.
amber brown with lacing of cream head with rich sweet malt and pithy
mango nose. Full body, quite creamy mouthfeel, juicy fruit forward, low
bitterness, slight acridity in finish. Its competent but not in the top league of UK IPAs.
On the strength of these beers I will definitely seek out others of theirs, particularly Freiman's Dunklelweiss which sounds particularly tasty.
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