This post has sat in draft for too many months; so clearing it out to make way for more posts next year. One of my favourite beer "styles" are saisons, nothing better when you want a sessionable ale to spend some time over. I've curated an interesting range in this post; to show you the breadth of the style.
Up first is an offering from Partizan, very much in the traditional vein - Saison Grisette @ 4.8% Hazy pale blonde with lacing of white head. Typical dry Belgian yeast
esters, well attenuated, medium body, slightly peppery coriander, long
ester filled finish. I've since had all of Partizan's saisons* but this was still one of the best.

Another Partizan saison next (Big Red), similar but darker, not black however. Cloudy mid amber with coriander and yeast esters on the nose - probably the same yeast as used above but igven more malt to chomp on as this one hits 7.4%. Sweet and
spicy, caramel and apple, warm and spiky, dry Belgian finish. Its got the best bits of a Belgian dubbel without the candy sugar off-taste I hate.

Stepping ever stronger is
Nomada Untitldead at 9% which I discovered in the fridge at the Barley Mow one day. Dark chestnut amber, minimal head soon dissipated. Rich toffee sweetness
plus slight tartness. Sweet, toffee, caramel, fruitcake, rich
marmalade. Low carbonation. Long fruity finish but too rich for my tastes.

To finish off is my final bottle of the
"Overseas Dictator" brewed for my birthday last year by my friend
Paul. The carbonation has died down somewhat which means I can pour the glass without it frothing everywhere (redecorated
Bitter Virtue with a fresh bottle...) This has really aged well with a good dry finish, just a touch of chocolate and some nice herbal hop notes complementing the saison and wheat spices. Apologies to Paul for leaving this so long to post!
*Post to come in the new year!
Hi Steve!
ReplyDeleteGood news from a decorating angle, if nothing else! Hadn't realised I had created so much havoc at Bitter Virtue.....they are still talking to me, however!
Yes, I had a bottle earlier in the year and it had definitely improved with age. Not sure if this was bottling a bit too early or over priming (I suspect the latter).
The Blackberry Hefewiezen is still rather green (only been in cask a week or so). I needed to add more fruit - the colour is a deep amber rather than purple. However, on first taste the blackberries have added an interesting sour fruity edge to the wheat beer. It's rather refreshing. Will report back in a few weeks.
Sounds like it should be good, i may have to come and help empty it! Thanks again Paul.